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by olegus

Books & Reference


"Dear friends, I am pleased to welcome you all!Here is my new book, which is composed of those lectures, which I read at different times and in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and in different monasteries and temples. Many have asked me to summarize this material, to provide the necessary references and published in pamphlet form. What happened, do not judge me, and the reader. The only thing that I decided while writing this work, so it save conversational style. This will bring me to the reader, and the reader - to me. Especially that whole sections of this booklet - direct speech, recorded during my lectures, spoken extemporaneously.Today we will talk about the value of life on earth (not surprised), about death, about the ordeals, on private court of the afterlife fate of man and the resurrection of the dead. Well look at all the twenty ordeal, as well as talk about the Last Judgment. I must say that in our time there is a departure from the fundamentals of classical Christian theology, especially in the US and Western Europe, some theologians innovators advocate views that have never been known to Orthodox theology, or, even worse, repeat the ancient heresy condemned by the Holy Fathers and At the Church Council.Supporters apokatastasisa (Gr. Ἀποκατάστασις - recovery, the doctrine of universal salvation) recommend more often to remember the words of St. John Chrysostom: "The devil is to convince some to think that there is no hell, to plunge into it. On the contrary, God threatens Gehenna and prepared so that we knew about it, so live, so as not to fall into hell. " So for us it is very important to get back into the mainstream of classical Christian Orthodox theology.Hieromartyr Irenaeus wrote: "For one misconception is not showing itself, so that, appearing in its nakedness, it reprove itself, but cunningly dressed in alluring clothing, it achieves that by its appearance for inexperienced seems truer than most truth "Archpriest Oleg Stenyaev